National PTSD crisis kills far too many. It can no longer be ignored

June has been set aside to promote awareness of a major issue facing a demographic that is struggling and minimally supported. No, I’m not talking about Pride. I’m talking about PTSD, which is especially acute among veterans, military service members and first responders, and which is only part of the greater mental health crisis that has swept this nation. 

Local and international governing bodies, corporations, academia, media, entertainment and almost every other industry go out of their way in June to support and promote LGBTQ Pride, reminding the nation what the month now represents. Meanwhile, those who selflessly served this nation to protect the freedoms, rights and safety of every person, including the LGBTQ community, are mostly overlooked. 

This leaves many struggling with anxiety, depression and broken homes in the wake of suicides occurring at a rate of over 20 a day in our military community alone, and equally as tragic for our first responders. Theirs is a silent struggle as society’s awareness and support are apparently reserved for more politically relevant demographics.

Veteran mental health illustration

PTSD is especially acute among veterans, military service members and first responders. (istock)

PTSD Awareness Month follows Mental Health Awareness Month, both coming and going with little attention or awareness despite the devastating mental health crisis that has recently swept our nation.

Military veteran raises awareness for veteran suicide: PTSD is a 'causal factor' Video

Despite political promises to the contrary, the VA’s faith- and community-based support programs have been disappearing. Likewise, such programs and practices for active-duty service members, including the tradition of issuing a Bible to every new service member, are being stripped from our military and carefully replaced with the new religion of “wokeism.”

COVID policies dealt a devastating blow to isolated youth and the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle left veterans and service members wondering if their sacrifices were worth it when it was all seemingly for nothing. Shockingly, it was recently discovered that the VA has been undercounting the epidemic of veteran suicide. One can’t help but wonder why they would go to such lengths to avoid acknowledging and addressing such a devastating issue.



Matters are made worse by unprecedented divisiveness. In our highly politicized society, truth is elusive while confusion is widespread. 

Army Veteran David Crenshaw on how his service dog helped him combat PTSD Video

With everchanging definitions, the forced acceptance of nonreality, and blurred lines of safety and propriety, it’s no wonder America’s youth are confused, anxious and depressed. As for the military and first responders, they watch as the flag they have sacrificed to defend, which represents freedom and prosperity for all, is sweepingly replaced by a flag representing a radical and divisive few. 

I know from experience that overcoming is never easy, but I also know it makes for a healthier and happier person. Likewise, overcoming as a society may not be easy or quick enough to be used as political “wins,” but it will make for a healthier and happier nation.



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