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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Big Government controls our lives with more rules than anyone knows

The federal government has threatened to withhold Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP funds from a Catholic hospital in Oklahoma because the staff keeps one small candle burning in its chapel. It’s tiny, encased in glass, and kept far away from medical equipment, but the feds insist it’s a safety risk.  

It’s absurd, but not surprising. Absurdities are a feature of administrative rule.  

What is administrative rule? It’s a system of government where nearly every aspect of citizens’ lives is regulated by obnoxious laws that nobody voted on enforced by pedantic bureaucrats who nobody voted for.  

FILE: July 23, 2013: U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

State legislatures have followed Congress’ bad example and foisted their jobs onto state agencies. (AP)

The candle is just one example. There are many. 

Administrative rule is America’s system of government. We were a republic once, but our representatives didn’t like the pressure of governing, so they foisted the responsibility onto a massive bureaucracy.  

Mike Johnson sounds off on ‘administrative state' at House hearing: ‘death by a thousand little cuts’ Video

How massive? Nobody knows exactly how many agencies there are. And nobody has a clue how many rules and regulations they administer.  

We know that there are hundreds of thousands of pages of laws and regulations. We know that our administrative agencies publish thousands more every year. But nobody knows how many rules they contain. Neither the smartest lawyer, nor the most learned judge has the slightest clue what the law, in total, is.  

What’s more, nobody can possibly comply with the law because nobody can know it. And where, as in America, the law regulates nearly everything a citizen does, a citizen’s life is full of invisible legal traps. Losing federal funding is the risk posed by some of these traps. But others will strip a citizen of his business, his job or his freedom.  

Even the most lawful and conscientious citizen can fall into jail by tripping over some arcane regulation about recycling bottles or packaging lobsters.  

It’s bad enough that bureaucrats fuss over the little details of our lives. But where things go from bad to worse is when bias creeps in.  

Or perhaps the regulator hates religious organizations and people.  

It would be easy to rummage through the hundreds of thousands of laws to find one or two to throw at religious people or any other group of people a regulator dislikes.  

Rand Paul blasts one-world bureaucracy of elitists: 'This is everybody's worst nightmare' Video

There are too many rules for people to know, so they cannot conform their behavior to them. And there are too many rules for bureaucrats to enforce equally, so bureaucrats are free to pick and choose their targets.  


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